There is a reason 78% of San Franciscans support public power

A recent survey of San Francisco residents found a sharp split in views on our local power providers. Not surprisingly, two out of three respondents said they have an extremely unfavorable view of PG&E, the for-profit utility whose skyrocketing rates, financial mismanagement, and massive wildfire liabilities have led to growing dissatisfaction.

Meanwhile, an overwhelming number of San Franciscans—78%—say they think the city should purchase the local power grid and shift to full public power.

That number is actually up from the last survey in 2019, which found 70% of residents were ready to make the switch. Growing support for public power is consistent across income levels, genders, racial and ethnic backgrounds, and among renters and homeowners.

Public power should be a slam dunk. There is only one thing standing in San Francisco’s way: PG&E’s refusal to consider the City’s offer to purchase the local grid.

San Francisco made a reasonable $2.5 billion offer in 2019 to buy out PG&E, but the company refused, saying the price was too low. The City responded by petitioning the California Public Utilities Commission in 2021 to get an independent assessment of the grid’s fair-market value.
We are united, like never before, as a City to make public power a reality. From the Mayor to the Board of Supervisors to City agency leaders, San Francisco is not letting up on our commitment to cleaner, safer, reliable, and more affordable power for all.

Five ways to add your voice to our public power campaign

While San Franciscans overwhelmingly support public power, this shift won’t happen on its own. We need to continue to build support to strengthen our movement. 

Here are five actions you can take today to add your voice in support of public power:

  1. Sign up for updates: Stay up-to-date on the latest public power developments, and receive news, events, and action alerts directly to your inbox.

  2. Endorse our campaign: Add your name to our growing list of community supporters who are saying it’s time for full public power now!

  3. Invite us to present about public power: Are you part of a community group, organization, or business interested in learning more about public power? Invite us to present at your next meeting or event—and help us foster a dialogue with the community about the importance of local control of our energy future.

  4. Follow us on social media: Connect and engage with our campaign by following us on social media. Get updates, share our content, or join the conversation. (Find us on Facebook, X, and Instagram.)

  5. Let your elected officials know you support public power: Send an email, write a letter, or call the office of your elected representative to share why you support local control of our energy future. (Find your representative here.)

CleanPowerSF SFPUC

San Francisco's Community Choice Energy Program

Year in Review: Definitely not a good one for PG&E


How Public Power is winning on rates—keeping the lights on while delivering savings