San Francisco’s Public Power Expansion Reaches a Major Milestone
March 20, 2025
San Francisco is making significant strides toward expanding public power with the recent publication of the draft environmental impact report by City Planning. This milestone marks an important step in the City’s ongoing efforts to acquire Pacific Gas & Electric’s (PG&E) electrical assets and transition to a publicly owned power system.
Customers pay more. PG&E profits. It’s a “raw deal”—and it doesn’t have to be this way.
March 10, 2025
In case you missed it, a former California energy executive pulled back the curtain recently on the basic unfairness at the heart of PG&E’s “leading with love” business model in a blistering San Francisco Chronicle opinion piece.
Year in Review: Definitely not a good one for PG&E
December 30, 2024
This just in - it has been another record-breaking year for PG&E — and not in a good way.
Only a few years after exiting bankruptcy, doling out $50 million to its new CEO, and reinstating dividend payments to Wall Street shareholders, the company raised rates on its customers FOUR TIMES this year - with a potential FIFTH on the way — adding more than $400 annually to the average bill.