IT’s Time for Full
Public Power
in San Francisco.
San Francisco is Uniting Behind Cleaner, More Reliable and more Affordable Public Power.
Now more than ever, the ability to deliver clean, reliable, and affordable energy is critical to San Francisco.
San Franciscans can secure our clean energy future and put an end to PG&E’s obstruction and extortion tactics by fully switching to local public power through public ownership of the electric grid in San Francisco.
Our city is united like never before to make it happen, and we need to move forward.

78% of San Franciscans Support Switching to Public Power.
San Francisco is already a successful public power provider.
In San Francisco, we run our own airport, public hospital, schools, and parks on public power. It’s been clear for years: public power is the reliable, affordable, and safer option for our city. But under the current arrangement, PG&E controls and limits the City’s access to the grid.
Under local public ownership of the grid, we could deliver clean Hetch Hetchy power to all San Franciscans. And we could modernize the grid to more effectively combat climate change through increasing electric vehicle charging, energy storage capability and other measures that PG&E currently makes more difficult.